Enter Generation C

First came Traditionalists, then Baby Boomers, and then the letters; X, Y, Z. And nows comes… C. Whilst the term ‘Gen C’ has been used since 2013, it only now (predictably) seems to be picking up traction.

These will not just be your “Created-during-the-time-of-Covid” Babies, these will also be your Covid-Affected Consumers, defined by The Atlantic as: Careers derailed, finances shattered, social lives upended.

Have you evolved your email segmentations to identify Gen C?

The changing behaviours’ of Gen C should mean a change in marketing. Maybe you will need to nurture them for longer in Prospect state, adopt a hopeful, reassuring tone of positivity, showcase entry-level price points and extend time within current loyalty tiers - as done by Air France in a Special announcement.

Adapting email messaging by Generations is easily done by segmenting according to date-of-birth. Business Insider reveals Gen Z/Baby Boomers are more likely to be ignoring Coronovirus rules/distancing (= email strategy; carry on as normal) whereas Millennials/Gen X are “changing their behaviour more dramatically” (= email strategy; mindful messaging).

Finding an email segmentation that encompasses (1) purchase behaviour/intention, (3) engagement state (2) language most liked (4) attitude to shopping is challenging at the best of times. Here we have one that could both work, and evolve with the times. Perhaps worth a test?

*All views my own*





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Stop saying “We are here for you”